After almost 40 days of temperatures below zero, with the emergence of fairer weather, RJ Cleanliness and Green JKP „Second October“, in order to regulate the city, conducted a campaign arranging green areas, sidewalks and streets. On this occasion, hired about 50 workers, 2 tractors, and tank Sweeping Machines. During the night, performed the wash roads and sidewalks in the Court, Dositejeva, street Stefan Nemanja, Sterijinoj, at Vuk Karadzic, the St. Sava Square and the Square of victory.
The cleaned surfaces are inner city that were inaccessible due to snow and ice: the hotel parking Serbia, Milekera Felix Street, part of the Royal Street, Victory Square, St Sava’s Market Square and Saint Theodore of Vrsac. Cleaned approached at public institutions in the city center and in front of shops. Performed pruning plants, sanitary felling of trees and removal of garbage from the said street and from a passage in Sterijino alley behind the apartment buildings in Sterijinoj street.
In addition to assembling works of urban furniture, new 35 bucket, this is the announcement of the spring sorting. The move past all right, especially looking forward to the attention of citizens, passers-by and residents who took the opportunity to arrange their entering the apartment building.
These works are just an announcement for the next action to be carried out in the Planning and clean city.
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